ive never had that problem. My world is just fine. But then i dont believe in god.
try it sometime.
hello, i am in the beginning stages of a slow fade.
over the years i have become more and more dissatisfied with the beliefs, teachings, and organizational practices of the organization.
i no longer have faith in it.
ive never had that problem. My world is just fine. But then i dont believe in god.
try it sometime.
i'm a born and raised witness.
i was an elder for almost 20 years.
almost the same in fulltime service.
welcome to the site Aldous.
i started dating a coworker who is a divorced jw.
found out he was disfellowshipped, and he was trying to figure out how to make things work.
i am not a jw, and his family is not supportive of the relationship.
i was only thinking yesterday--we havent had an " i love an exjw" story on here lately--weeks even--then yet another pops up.
same modus operandi--same author ?
i'm reading babylon the great has fallen, god's kingdom rules, published 1963. this was studied years ago when i was about 10-12 years old.
i wanted to just read some of the beliefs from decades ago.
my wife wants to know why i'm reading this book.
the babylon book--? was that the thick bright red job ? i was on my way out when that was being the study material for tuesday nights. didnt they study it twice ?
fancy reading it again now ? not my idea of fun.
cities across america have been pillaged and destroyed these last few days.
a white policeman has been charged with murder of a black man.
protests have been organized across major us cities and horrible riots have occurred.
these rioters are just smashing up their own neighbourhoods. same thing happened in Birmingham UK in the 80's.
when the fires are out and the dust has settled.. the rioters can admire their handiwork..then get down and clean their shit up.
has anyone turned it down or know of someone who did turn down being an elder or ms?.
yes, it should be one of the biggest privileges a brother can get !!
(how do i put the barfy icon in?
the first congregation i was in--as a child, with mom and dad, was Hockley cong, in Birmingham, UK. this was in the period 1958 to 66. At age 18 i then started to go a neighbouring cong, but in a different circuit, as a pioneer and then a MS, till 1971.
Apparently, when the elders thing all got started, back in the first cong where dad and mom attended, there was a total rebellion about who would be elders. several would-be elders were d/f'd. my dad was the only one to be appointed, although he was very reluctant. he had a good idea what it would involve. a bro from a neighbouring cong was "parachuted in" to take over as presiding overseer.
that cong was a hot bed of gossip, back stabbing, and other fine christian practices.
i never had much faith in whatever resurrection was.
what appealed to me about jw doctrines was the rejection of the "it's a mystery" defense of the indefensible.
when i would ask how going into non existence could be reversed when all the atomic parts of who we are had been scattered for thousands of years, the answer was "jehovah can do anything".
i wonder if all those in the brave new world...when they become perfect...will they all look the same ?
has anyone turned it down or know of someone who did turn down being an elder or ms?.
yes, it should be one of the biggest privileges a brother can get !!
(how do i put the barfy icon in?
in a way--i turned down the chance to be an elder. this was when the whole thing was just getting going..1971. i had been having serious thoughts about quitting altogether. i was due to give the public talk that afternoon. i just couldnt even look at the script sheet. i phoned the cong servant--and went to see him that morning. we had a friendly chat..he told me he had been about to recommend me as an elder, so he was glad i had come to see him.
he went on to suggest i take a back seat for a while, and think things over. no prayers or looking at then bible together. what was more surprising was that this guy had at one stage been a branch servant !
the joke's on the dolts who have swallowed & defended all the covid 19 b.s.
the chickens are coming home to roost even earlier than i expected.
remember this from 12 days ago?:.
you are a little ray of sunshine today
the latest watchtower is now out and they make this statement -.
7 during the thousand year rule of christ, all of jehovah’s earthly children will have to make changes to please him.
so all of them will have true fellow feeling as they help the resurrected ones to combat sinful tendencies and to live by jehovah’s standards.
why are you so concerned about this twaddle now you're out?